Bellingham Public Schools Foundation – Let’s Make Sunnyland Solar!!
A Message from Sunnyland Elementary School
Dear Sunnyland community and neighbors,
As we break ground this spring on the new Sunnyland Elementary and look forward to welcoming students, staff and our community into our new school in fall 2022, we are excited to share a grassroots initiative to solarize our new school.
Sunnyland parent Ted Clifton, who is also a member of the Sunnyland Educational Specifications/Design Advisory Committee, has inspired this project with a generous matching challenge gift of $10,000 to the Bellingham Public Schools Foundation (BPSF) to establish a new fund to provide solar panels at Sunnyland. That means the first $10,000 dollars of community giving will be matched dollar for dollar.
Anyone can donate to the new Solarize Sunnyland fund at the BPSF.
This project was inspired by Dawson Construction’s donation to the new Sehome High School, which allowed the school to install solar panels.
This is a meaningful opportunity to invest in Sunnyland and our planet! We are excited the money we save in electric and power will be put back into the classroom for kids, teachers and supplies.
All new schools and buildings in our district, including the new Sunnyland, are now built “solar ready,” which means donations collected to benefit this project will go directly into installing, operating and purchasing new panels. Sunnyland has capacity for 100-kilowatt array. Our district is excited to learn from this project, and it may influence bond planning in the future as we look to build other replacement schools with a focus on sustainability.
Thank you, Sunnyland community for your consideration to donate.
Donate HERE: https://secure.lglforms.com/form…/s/eb4NiPkPb7zIOA6_-e_CCg
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