As we come towards the end of 2022, which in former years Winter was our slow season, the company is still quite busy with our six houses in the queue!
The end of the year is always a great time to reflect on these past four seasons and solar cycle.
Especially 2022… this was a record breaking year for TC Legend Homes!
The crew gathered for a Holiday party last Friday at Norm’s place, and took a moment to appreciate our team’s hard work and how far we’ve come….
TC Legend Homes 2022 Achievements
- HIA Grand Award Winner Custom Homes for Buyer (< 2500 Square Feet) – House in a Hollow
- Built Green 5-Star Certifications on all (4) projects completed this year
- All (4) projects received a HERS score of -8 or better
- Sold our first Net Zero spec house- Cascade!!
- To be featured in (2) Bellingham Alive articles
- Hired on (2) new employees & expanding diversity in our team.
- Took 58th Place in the 2022 Ski to Sea event and getting 4th in the Corporate Division!
- Designer Talia hosted her first educational seminar on Embodied Carbon in the Sustainable Connections Embodied Carbon series.
- Owner Ted was a panelist at a conference about building with panels.
- Started offering SIPs and ICF training to contractors and eligible individuals.
- Senna hosted two Green Energy Home Tours.
- Started a TC record-breaking (6) projects in one year!
- Launching a Brand New Plans for Sale website – great work Design Team!!
- Surviving and thriving during a pandemic!
- And the numerous days everyone went skiing together!!
- We survived and thrived in a world pandemic with zero turn-over, while retaining our staff at their full-time hours and hourly wages (PLUS+ performance & wage raises to match the increasing cost of living). That’s a HUGE feat! Major kudos to our leadership, and rock solid team!

One of my (Senna’s) favorite things about getting the crew all together are these EPIC potlucks! The team really brings their A-game! 🙂

The team & loved ones indulged in some Spiced Egg Nog, Hot Buttered Rum, Mulled Wine… and of course, dessert!

The kiddos had fun making gingerbread houses, candles, and compostable buildings! Here are the results of the Boys vs. Girls. Which one do you like most? Not sure they are net-zero energy though.

Nicole facilitated the White Elephant gift exchange. Jeff got a bunch of worker’s pencils, Mile’s got some Mad Libs, Dan got one of Isaac’s amazing pottery chalices, Nicole won a hangover kit, Jake got some truffles (which Nicole later stole!), Senna and her son got a Christmas blanket!

A knee brace, something called a ‘Damnit Doll,’ and Fun Facts for toilet reading were some other gifts that went around!

Such a big thank you to the team, our customers, subcontractors and of course, our loved ones & SUPPORT TEAM! We couldn’t do it nearly as well without you. 🙂